Tuesday, November 30, 2010

session 5

Gospel according to Jesus

the wages of sin is death == hell but God don't want us to go to hell. The penalty can be replaced by sinless man but all man have sin. So, normal cannot die for another man but a sinless human can die for other man. that is why Jesus died on the cross for man and rose up. That's salvation which is a gift and it is not a reward which depends on what you do and give to get it.

this salvation is a gift, you only have 2 respond: accept or reject.
those who accept it will go through the narrow way and go to heaven (few)
those who reject it will go through the wide way and go to hell (many)

Mk 1:14
gospel of the kingdom of God
Mk 1:15
repent and believe

Lk 5:31
it is those who are sick that need doctor
Lk 5:32
repent (sinners)

how to get salvation? by Faith
it is no way to contribute to get salvation

after 3 months the Israelite  out of Egypt, the first thing God wants them to do is the tabernacle (worship) and do it according to what God wants

"Worship God according to what He wants, not according to what human wants!"

purpose of creation = worship God

Dec 1999
born again christian = 27%
other = 24%
Atheists = 21%

Mk 6:7 & 12
preach that men should repent
Lk 24:45-48
repentance & remission of sins should be preach
Isa 1:16-18
What to repent?
What to do?
Lk 19:1-7
Zacchaeus repent and he change into a new life by paying back 4 times (400%)
Numbers 5:7
when you confess, you need to give full restitution and add 1/5 (20%) to the person you were wrong

Mt 19:16-19
what to do to get eternal life?
follow the 10 commandments (the fifth --- 10th) -------> summarize as love your neighbour as you love yourself

Mt 19:20
the young man already follow all the commandments
what lack?

Old Testament & New Testament are the same!
1. saved by faith
2. God's treasure
3. Priests
4. Holy Nation
5. Glorify God by being holy

salvation is justified by faith, after that be God's children and live like His children. When you obey, God will bless you; when you disobey, God will curse you.

Lev 26
You are already saved (out of egypt), so live like God's children. When the people obey God, they are blessed; when they disobey God, they are being curse. After they repent their sins, God forgive them and God bless them because of their obedience.

Moses preach 4 times about it in deutronomy + 1 time at the 40th year. Then
+ 1 time when Joshua leads those people enter Canaan Land + 1 time when Joshua died.
God repeats it for 7 times to the people about it.

It shows that God never change this method until now!!!

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