miracle is very special
show that he is selected by God or from God or from Satan
miracles can never save people
example: Judas ---- saw Jesus perform so many miracles for 3 years, yet he never believe in
Christ and betrayed him
example: Paul ------ Jews asks for sign & miracles and Greek ask for wisdom but Paul preach
the cross of Jesus rather then giving them miracles.
Great man like Abraham was a father of faith but he never perform one single miracle.
therefore, no matter what faith you have, how great you are, if God doesn't give you the power of performing miracle, you can't perform it.
Mt 24:24
false Christ & great signs and wonders
Rev 13:13
false prophet will give great wonders by showing fire from heaven
Miracles in Bible
(happen once in decades)
1. Gen5:24 ----------- Enoch walked with God for 300 years and he was took by God2. Noah's Flood
after that....
once in 300 years
3. Gen11:7 ----------- Tower of Babel by confusing the language of man
after that once in 600 years
4. Gen 17:17 --------- Abraham got a son in 100 years old
5. Gen 19:24 ---------- Fire from heaven to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah
God only gave 4 people to perform miracles in the OT
1. Moses ------- the 10 plagues in Egypt
2. Joshua ----- the fall of Jericho's wall
3. Elijah
4. Elisha
therefore, the power to perform miracles is very sacred to God
God is the creator of the natural laws and we are supposed to live in the world under such laws.
miracles is beyond the nature law
New Testament
Jesus give 70 disciples the power to perform miracles for few days
1. twelve apostles & paul
2. Stephen & Philip
3. Ananias (not counted because only 1 miracle)
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